Building-Integrated Photovoltaics in Complex Climates

by Benjamin Yerick, Architecture Student and Intern at DMA

Tesla roof installation in progress

Tesla roof tiles being installed by Weddle & Sons on a DMA project roof.

For the last several decades, scientists and researchers have pursued a future that no longer depends on non-renewable energy sources; coal, natural gas, and oil have been our primary sources of energy for decades, but due to the damaging effects it has on our ecosystem and health, the demand for clean energy continues to grow. 可再生能源是一个日益增长的话题,在过去的几十年里,可持续技术得到了迅速发展. 从效率低下、不够可靠、无法取代现有能源的系统,到一种可能成为潜在替代品的技术形式,既环保,又能减少其他能源的有害影响. The development of this technology has sparked conversations of a net-zero/net-positive future; transitioning from a hypothetical concept to a potential reality for individuals, communities, and even countries aspiring to reduce their carbon footprint. Many companies have pursued technology with goals of clean energy, even the potential of permanent integration in our communities.

A common issue in mountainous regions like Jackson Hole, Wyoming is inconsistency; can this technology replace previous forms of energy consistently over time? The thought of renewable energy has been nothing but a hypothetical concept due to the environmental conditions of the area; the mountainous terrain, minimal solar gain, and an unpredictable climate throughout the year are a major concern. For many years, the answer was always up in the air and unknown; but as technology has improved over time, the more the concept becomes a reality. 建筑集成光伏(BIPV)已经成为一个更受讨论的想法,它允许设计师能够在不需要考虑投资和安装笨重设备的情况下创建建筑, visible systems that contribute to technology waste after the cells life cycle. 光伏电池已经发展成一种薄膜状的材料,几乎可以集成到任何东西上, from roof tiles to cladding and shading systems. Many individuals and companies have started investing in BIPV systems because of this. A well-known example has been Tesla; a company who advocates for cleaner alternatives for energy. Most commonly known for their electric cars, Tesla also works on alternative energy-focused research including BIPV systems. 他们最成功的例子之一是他们的太阳能屋顶系统,已经安装了400多个,000 homes throughout the United States (Tesla). As of May 2022, Tesla’s 3rd generation solar roofing system has officially been introduced to Teton County and has raised the question; is this technology reliable enough to replace current energy forms in complex climates?

Hypothetically yes, there aren’t many examples of this system in areas with similar conditions but according to Weddle & Sons (2022), a certified roofing installer for Tesla out of Manhattan, Kansas and current contractor for the first installation in Teton County, 这个系统足够可靠,即使没有自然光直接照射在集成的光伏电池上,也能持续产生能量. 人们普遍认为光伏发电需要直接获得太阳能,这并不一定是正确的. 多年来,这种技术在没有直接获得太阳能的情况下产生能量的效率不够高. As PV technology has developed and become more efficient, it is now possible to convert indirect/ambient light into usable energy. 光伏发电通过吸收太阳辐射产生的光子并将其转换为电流中的伏特来工作(NASA)。. Once absorbed, 产生的电压作为直流(DC)送到逆变器,然后转换成交流电(AC)。, which can then be applied as usable energy in a building. So as long light photons remain in the electromagnetic field created by the sun’s radiation, PV cells can convert them into usable energy at a slightly less consistent rate. Weddle & Sons解释说,集成的光伏板根据屋顶的坡度和方向策略性地放置,以尽可能多地获取太阳能,最大限度地提高发电量,减少所需的电池数量. This minimizes the waste created by photovoltaics and when the cell’s life cycle is complete, 拆除和更换面板的目的是防止像许多传统屋顶一样,在20-30年后需要一个全新的屋顶系统.

Tesla roof installation

Other forms of technology have only reinforced this as a potential permanent replacement; smart technology or SMART (self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology) monitors energy usage with an artificial intelligence that compares data generated over time to use energy in the most efficient way possible; reducing wasted energy and minimizing total energy usage without the need for manual adjustments. This also allows users to interact and learn about their energy usage, ultimately resulting in a better understanding of energy conservation. This technology can also be used with traditional energy sources, but the benefit of BIPV is clean energy. All energy has a form of waste, the difference between non-renewable and renewable is the impact that waste makes. Not all solar gain is successfully converted into usable energy, resulting in some of the energy being lost as waste though heat (thermal energy). Burning coal, gas, 石油会释放有害的污染物,造成生态问题,每天都对个人产生影响. From air quality to available drinking water, the impact of non-renewable resources has caused many issues we face every day. 净零和净正设计的理念是尽量减少不可再生能源并减少其影响, not get rid of it entirely. A transition to a clean energy source reduces the need for oil, gas, and ore-based fuel sources that are finite and harmful.

A common concern for many individuals is cost, and rightfully so. 不是每个人都有钱投资这样的系统,也没有重要的例子证明这些系统可以产生足够的能量来支持这个地区的一栋建筑, many people disregard the idea. Although this argument has its points, it’s important to understand how energy is used rather than total energy needed. As mentioned before, smart technology has helped minimize energy usage. BIPV的好处是,大多数系统使用智能技术来减少能源浪费,并允许个人监控和跟踪他们的总使用量和总发电量. 特斯拉的屋顶系统使用一个用户友好的应用程序来监控个人使用的总能源和屋顶产生的电量. Not only does this conserve energy, it encourages users to become more aware of the energy they are using. 这将促使人们对生活方式做出健康的改变,以降低他们的能源账单,同时在家中保持舒适. According to Tesla, the system will essentially pay for itself. No matter how much energy the system produces, the total cost individuals pay for their energy each month will be significantly reduced. And as mentioned earlier, the longevity of the roof will ultimately remove the need for a total replacement in the future; panels can be removed and replaced with ease.

To conclude, 随着人们越来越关注当前能源对全球气候的生态影响,太阳能在各种气候条件下越来越成为现实, 对于个人来说,考虑他们正在使用的能源类型并更加了解他们如何使用能源是很重要的. Building-integrated photovoltaics are vitally important when considering renewable energy; these systems increase awareness of energy consumption and promotes healthier lifestyles, reduces harmful pollutants caused by non-renewable energy sources, 并防止每年造成大量浪费的非集成系统的技术浪费.


How do photovoltaics work? (n.d.). Retrieved from NASA

Tesla. (n.d.). Solar Roof. Retrieved from Tesla

Weddle, A. (2022, May 23). President of Weddle & Sons Roofing. (B. Yerich, Interviewer)


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